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Tips and guides for your next adventure

A home by the bay

The Ages:  2 – 6 years 

We understand this age will define the adult personality. Our program provides real experiences that help to develop a well rounded social being.

The food:  Organic based 

Our year round vegetables project gives the child a joyful understanding of the food growing process. From seeding to farming the respectful relationship our kids built with the life cycle, gives them the confidence to try those new tastes eagerly.

Good to know

When the children have first hand experiences with composting or pollinators this helps to ease their fears. Our friendly enviroment will create a sense of confidence through guidance and knowledge.

Bay Area

Northern California is like the Florence of the 1400 th’s on the early renaissance. Everything that is changing the world for the better, and everyone who wants to participate on that change wants to be here from around the world. We are at the core of the Silicon Valley, caring the kids of the parents who are pushing that change.

We want to leave a wonderful impression in those tender hearts and brains that more likely will change our world againg in the near future.

The Place

Come and meet “El señor árbol” in person.